Georg and Hedwig have arrived at their new foster home, that can give them loads of special attention. Here's the first report from their foster mom:
After a somewhat shaky start, things are going well. I was concerned that
Fletcher in his exuberance to play would end up mauling the puppies, but
they have set him straight, giving back as good as they get.
I crate them at night and keep them in an xpen during the day, letting them
out periodically to go potty and to play. The xpen is good to give them a
break from Fletcher. They have eaten well. I will be increasing their
food intake. I weighed them this morning, and they both weighed 11 pounds
so they should be getting about a pound of food a day. I am going to be
adding some fish oil starting tomorrow because they are a little itchy,
which is probably from the dry air.
Potty training is off to a fairly good start. We are also working on sits.